Online Sociology Degree Program

Interested in completing your Bachelor of Science in Sociology online through one of the Midwest's Top 10 public universities?

Beginning in the Fall of 2011, the University of Nebraska at Kearney began offering the innovative Online Bachelor of Science (BS) in Sociology Degree Completion Program. This program is a 36 credit hour online degree completion program designed for students who have an associate degree or have completed most of their general studies classes. Additionally, this program allows online students to finish the requirements for the BS in Sociology after they have completed their general studies courses at either 体育菠菜大平台 or another college/university.

The BS in Sociology degree requires a total of 12 courses or 36 student credit hours of coursework. Five courses are required for every student, and seven courses are part of the general sociology emphasis. In addition, students are required to meet all general studies requirements and a minor of 24 credit hours.

Click to view course descriptions for all Sociology classes. The online Bachelor of Sociology degree program requires a total of 12 courses, or 36 credit hours of coursework. Students are strongly recommended to have had completed the general studies courses necessary for a bachelor's degree independently, before beginning the degree completion coursework. If general studies courses are not yet complete, students will need to work with the program coordinator to determine best options for completing the necessary courses. 

Five core courses (15 credit hours) are required for every student. You may then choose an additional seven courses (21 credit hours) as part of your general sociology emphasis.

Students may start the program in any semester, including summer.

Required Courses - 15 Credit Hours

SOC 237, 300, 370 and 468; plus choose from either PSY 250 or STAT 235

Sociology Emphasis - 21 Credit Hours

SOC 201 or 250; SOC 225 or 275; PSY 250 GS or STAT 235 GS; and four courses from the following options - SOC 310, 340, 349, 360, 363, 369, 370, 380, 410, 420, 442, 461 or 462

Note: Recommended prerequisites include an associate's degree or the majority of the general studies requirements completed.

  1. Apply for Admission
    • When should I apply for admission? Individuals who have already completed high school should submit their application at least four weeks prior to the start of the term in which they are seeking admission.
  2. Contact Advisor
    • Your advisor will assist you in reviewing previous coursework, making a plan for registration and reviewing the program.
  3. Register for Classes
  4. Review Online Student Letter

Suzanne Maughan
Online Program Coordinator - 体育菠菜大平台 Online Sociology Degree Completion Program
University of Nebraska at Kearney - Copeland Hall
Kearney, NE 68849
Phone: 308-865-8763